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Upgrade | Resync | Migrate | Snapshot

Node Update Procedure

1. Halting Geth

First, stop the Geth process with the following command:

$ systemctl stop geth

2. Secure Your Keystore

Navigate to the default installation directory, /home/geth/.ethereum/. Confirm that your secret key is in /home/geth/.ethereum/keystore/ and that password.txt is in /home/geth/.ethereum/. Before moving on, back up both the secret key and password.txt.

Secret key file Example:


3. Backing Up the Old Version of Geth

To back up your old version of geth, follow these steps:

# check your geth version
$ BIN_DIR=/usr/local/bin # set your binary directory has geth
$ VERSION=$(geth version | awk '/Version:/ && !/Go Version:/ {print $2}')

# backup your geth binary
mv $BIN_DIR/geth $BIN_DIR/geth-$VERSION

4. Downloading and Installing the Latest Version

Download and unzip the latest version:


Ensure you download the latest version suitable for your CPU architecture:

  • For Intel or AMD CPUs: Download
  • For ARM-based CPUs: Download
$ wget<"LATEST_VERSION">/geth-<"LATEST_VERSION">-linux-<"amd64|arm64">.zip
$ unzip geth-<"LATEST_VERSION">-linux-<"amd64|arm64">.zip

Place the new version in the correct location and change its ownership:

$ sudo mv ./geth $BIN_DIR
$ sudo chown <"SERVICE_USER">:<"SERVICE_USER"> $BIN_DIR/geth # default SERVICE_USER is geth

5. Restart Geth

Restart Geth with:

$ sudo systemctl start geth

6. Verify Geth Status

Check Geth's status with:

$ sudo systemctl status geth

To confirm the upgrade, refer to journalctl and look for the line indicating the new version:

INFO [11-02|11:16:11.821] Starting peer-to-peer node   instance=Geth/v1.0.1-54aae939/linux-amd64/go1.17.8

Or use geth -h to display version info:

$ geth -h


If you encounter issues, please confirm the Geth's syncing status:

$ sudo -u geth geth attach --exec eth.syncing ipc:/home/geth/.ethereum/geth.ipc

The output should be false. If it displays true, proceed to the Resync Nodes section below for troubleshooting steps.

Resyncing Nodes

1. Halt Geth

First, stop the Geth service with this command:

$ systemctl stop geth

2. Relocate Sync Data

Move the existing sync data from /home/geth/.ethereum/geth to a backup location:

$ mv /home/geth/.ethereum/geth /home/geth/.ethereum/geth-backup

3. Initialize Genesis Block

Download the latest genesis.json file from GitHub and initialize the genesis block with:

$ sudo geth init genesis/mainnet.json

4. Restart Geth

Restart the Geth service using:

$ systemctl start geth

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully resync your node.

Migrating Validator to new Server

Follow these steps to migrate the validator node to a new server:

1. Stop old validator node

In the old validator node, run the following command to stop the geth service:

# In old validator node
systemctl stop geth

2. Copy old validator data

In the old validator node, Copy the old validator data to the new validator node:

# In old validator node
rsync -av /usr/lib/systemd/system/geth.service <NEW_VALIDATOR_NODE>:/usr/lib/systemd/system/geth.service # service file
rsync -av /home/geth/.ethereum/ <NEW_VALIDATOR_NODE>:/home/geth/.ethereum # geth data

Please ensure that the files are being correctly synchronized from the old validator node to the new validator node.

3. Setup new validator node

On the new validator node, execute as part of the Express setup.


When running the, you will be prompted to enter the passphrase for the private key.

Enter the passphrase for the private key

This passphrase is the password specified to create the validator operator address in the old validator node.


If synchronization is successful when Copy old validator data is performed, then Create a genesis block, Create a private key, and Create a systemd unit steps will be skipped.

Execute the following command on both the old and new validator nodes to verify that the keystore account information matches.

sudo -u geth geth account list

4. Start new validator node

Start the Geth service on the new validator node.

# In new validator node
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable geth
systemctl start geth

Please check the block synchronization status using this method.

5. Remove old validator data

Once you have confirmed that the new validator node is operating correctly, in the old validator node, remove the old validator data:

# In old validator node
rm /usr/lib/systemd/system/geth.service

Stopping the validator node will result in the cessation of rewards, so we recommend minimizing the downtime as much as possible. To that end, it is possible to run both the old validator node and the new validator node concurrently. However, please ensure that only one of the nodes generates blocks during this time. Blocks will be generated if the geth option -–mine is included. Ultimately, please ensure that the –-mine option is only enabled on the new validator node.


We provide snapshots for the Oasys Hub Layer (L1) testnet and mainnet.


Applying the Snapshot to a Testnet Node

Since the snapshot file is large, please ensure you have sufficient storage space available. We recommend having at least 50 GB of free space as a guideline.

# Stop the geth service
sudo systemctl stop geth

# Download the snapshot archive

# Backup the old data. Adjust the path based on your environment.
sudo -u geth mv /home/geth/.ethereum/geth/ /home/geth/.ethereum/geth-bk

# Extract the snapshot archive
sudo -u geth tar -xzvf l1-snapshot.tar.gz -C /

# Restart the geth service
sudo systemctl start geth